11 May 2003

many thanks to my friend Anne for her 10 page comment about Madonna, soy latte, and a million other things in my guestbook. People, this is really how she talks. It's very important to have a "voice" in your writing and Annie sure as shit embraces that. Why she doesn't have one of these blogs is beyond me, because she's the hippest cat I know and everyone will read her.

Some bad, really stupid news: I missed the fucking 90210 reunion special. I had to rely on the fine, fine reporting skills of ann-frank to catch up on what I missed. Our friend Julie actually rearranged her class schedule sophomore year of college so she wouldn't miss "9er." My roommate and I had a HUGE poster of Shannon on our door -- we faked her signature and told everyone she signed it at the mall.

I am seeing some kickass banners on DL -- particularly tubaboy's Golden Girls tribute. I so want to get a supa Gold membership and get a banner, but Ginger has now seized control of the (dwindling) finances and I will never be able to sneak secret shopping purchases again. Tell me again why relationships are a good idea???